IceBreakers is a hyper-local online dating application that allows users to meet real-time while allowing
participating bars to advertise and promote specials and offers near real-time to nightlife users looking
to meet someone or somewhere to go. This is all done in the app starting with a simple phrase Can I
buy you a drink?”
During this pandemic, most industries have a way of communicating with their customers through some
form of a database. The restaurant and bar industry does not have this luxury. Most nightlife businesses do
not keep data on their customers and have no way of communicating offers, events, and specials or in
this case delivery and “if we are even open” options. They can with IceBreakers.
By using IceBreakers, we the people under quarantine still have a way to meet while maintaining social
distancing and without the hang-ups that traditional online dating provides. With these two problems at
hand, the features of IceBreakers encourage people to step out of the social norms and have a date,
locally, at places like a driving range where distancing can be kept and you can learn more about that
person. The difference between IceBreakers and something like Tinder is, in the bars you swipe and see
someone you like and you sent them a drink. If they accept the drink, they pick from a limited selection,
created by the bar, then the chat menu opens. IceBreakers can also be used somewhat like Grinder, outside
the bars but without the social grouping. IceBreakers was built for everyone and the best feature is, to
promote manners, if you've sent an unsolicited photo (in nearby users) or someone accepts a drink from
you (in the club) that doesn’t chat with you or you had a great date but the chemistry just was not right
for you, you have the ability to leave them a review that future daters can see. Those features alone
make IceBreakers different from all other online dating platforms. IMHO, Unique.